Wednesday, July 2, 2014

6/28: San Francisco Pride Parade, Highly Abbreviated

Berkeley and San Francisco: Miranda and Tim and I slept late-ish and went to a diner on the Berkeley campus.  It was…just terrible.  Vegan dishes that were only so-so and no alternatives.  Tim got “fakin’ bacon” which turned out to be an abomination against God Himself.  Look, Berkeley, we get it: you’re liberal.  We like that about you.  But there’s no need to reinvent the wheel where diner food is concerned.  Especially where bacon is concerned.  After "breakfast" Miranda and Tim headed straight (pun) to “Pride,” San Francisco’s gay pride festival.  I stayed behind having made lunch plans with Dom Rodriguez the night before.  Spent most of the day reading and walking around UC Berkeley and touring buildings and generally pretending to be a graduate student and kind of half-secretly hoping people would mistake me for one.  Dom was a half hour late to lunch (no hard feelings!!!) but we had a lot of fun hanging out.  Then we drove into SF and holed up in a nice little bar for about two hours.

Dom had to work at 6pm so we split up around 5:30 and I walked to Pride.  Along the way I saw many things wonderful to tell.  An Englishman who commented on my Mr. T shirt (no pic, sorry).  His voice sounded kind of broken up a la Forrest Gump and there may have been something wrong with him.  “That’s. A very. Nice shirt. You’re wearing."  I instinctually responded in an English accent and got a confused look and was confused myself.  Scantily clad men and women.  Police at every corner just overseeing traffic.  Everything very joyous and well-supervised.  Finally I got to the park where Pride itself was taking place and it was surreal.  Incredible multi-colored costumes.  A pitbull lying comatose in the middle of a granola group who seemed to be its caretakers.  I figured they'd sedated the poor thing.  Friends running into each other unplanned and shrieking and hugging.

Unfortunately for you, dear readers, in your great number, I feel that I should probably cut off the narrative here.  Tim and I compiled many, many more paragraphs worth of memories but probably nothing fit for the internet.  I'll leave you with this, cryptic though it may be: When the three of us got back to Berkeley Tim and I gorged ourselves on takeout (Tim had a pizza and I had a meatball sub and chicken wings...Point: Tim?).  Then we watched NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and made G&Ts for ourselves and enjoyed the movie and eventually went to sleep. It was a fun day, I promise.

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